Fiona Siciliano: 30 sexiest pictures and videos, plus our exclusive interview

fiona siciliano bikini

Our campaign to get to know all of your favourite models that little bit better is continuing apace!

In recent weeks we’ve brought you big exclusives with the likes of Danielley Ayala, Emilie-Rae, Chelsea Chamberlain and many more. But this time around we’re catching up with the phenomenal Fiona Siciliano, who boasts one of the most jaw-dropping figures we’ve ever seen.

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Get a man that’s as loyal as that pin ????????

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After making her debut as one of ZOO’s new girls to watch almost six years ago, the half Brazilian, half English beauty has gone on to big things. She’s modelled for the likes of Victoria’s Secret and Pretty Little Thing, and now has almost 200,000 followers across her social media.

In Man On’s exclusive interview with Fiona, the 32G stunner talked about how she was first spotted, her friendship with Beth Lily, her love of drinking cocktails and a lot more besides…

fiona siciliano bikini

Fiona Siciliano’s fact file and interview

Name: Fiona Siciliano
Age: 25
Bra size: 32G (and all natural, baby!)
Location: London
Social media links: Twitter | Instagram | OnlyFans

Hello there Fiona, and welcome to Man On! So how did you get started in the crazy world of modelling?
Thank you for having me! Well it all started when I was a fresh-faced 19-year-old. I was out in a tight dress for my work Christmas do, and someone approached me asking if I wanted to model for an underwear brand. I was such a tomboy back then, so I kindly declined. Then a few weeks later my work colleague pressured me into trying it out. So I applied for some underwear brands, headed down to London and signed with GIRL Management. The rest, as they say, is history!

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Advert for strong elastic ????????

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You’ve gained a huge following in the past six years. What’s the best thing about having a huge fanbase?
All the very rude pictures I get sent… haha! No, honestly sometimes I get some really kind messages from my fans and they really can make my day.

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Swimsuit brighter than your girls IQ @boohoo #ad

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@boohoo welcome to my massage room #ad

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fiona siciliano lingerie

We notice you’re also on OnlyFans – why should people sign up to it?
Because it is amazing – and naughty naughty! Plus you get more than just me; I have special guest appearances from the likes of Beth Lily & Amber Rose.

Awesome! We notice from your social media you’re pretty close to Beth?
Oh yes! Beth Lily is my best friend in the entire world. We first met on a shoot in Cyprus and we’ve been friends for years now. She’s the yin to my yang. I bloody love her – and her boobies.

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Boobieful picture

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@bethanylilyapril boatload of fun with my bbzzzz

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What do you love doing in your spare time?
Working out is my favourite hobby but I also like drinking a lot… so I like to think it evens it out!

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@femmeluxefinery co-ord

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fiona siciliano lingerie

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is back on TV. What would be the first thing you do with the money if you won the jackpot?
I’d love to buy myself a remote desert island but sadly I don’t think it would stretch that far! So I’d be clever with it: buy some property and invest the rest.

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Alexa, play locked up by AKON

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What are you watching on Netflix at the moment?
Loads! I’ve just finished After Life 2 which was brilliant. I used to think Ricky Gervais was a knobhead, but now I love him – the pathos used in that show had me crying on nearly every episode! I’ve also recently finished Money Heist and now I’m watching Year One Million which is all about futuristic AI. That shit is creepy!

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Views from the endz. @femmeluxefinery top

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The ultimate glow up by @slayed_by_santos ????

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fiona siciliano bikini

What are you doing to keep yourself busy in lockdown?
I’ve been learning to make loads of cocktails; different flavoured margaritas, mojitos, espresso martinis… I told you I like drinking a lot!

We feel you, Fiona! Lastly, what’s the first thing you’ll do once lockdown is over?
Oh I’ll be like everyone else – immediately rebooking all my holidays! First stop Dubai with the girls for some tanning, then I’ll be heading to Cape Town for a shoot. Bring it on!

Fiona Siciliano’s quickfire Q&A

Favourite drink: Amaretto sour – but only if it’s made correctly!
Favourite food: Steak – I’m a big juicy meat eater!
Favourite film: Depends on my mood, but White Chicks is always an easy watch
Favourite TV show: Family Guy – for their dark humour
Favourite holiday destination: Miami or Bali
Biggest celebrity crush: Michael B. Jordan

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“I’ll be ready in 5” @iamjadoretv

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fiona siciliano naked

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