Chelsea Chamberlain: See the 30 sexiest pictures and videos of the stunning #ManOnTwitties winner

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In just three short weeks, our #ManOnTwitties hashtag has become something of a phenomenon on Twitter.

And one certain lady has taken to it like an extremely attractive duck to water. Step forward Miss Chelsea Chamberlain!

The 28E London lovely shared her red-hot snaps in both weeks one and two, which went down a storm – and in week three she was crowned the overall winner. Back of the net!

Given Chelsea’s a regular feature on both our Twitter and Instagram pages – as well as also starring in our Easter special – we thought it was about time we got to know the blonde beauty that little bit better.

So we sat down with Chelsea to discuss her #ManOnTwitties victory, singing in the kitchen and her crush on Megan Fox – all whilst collating her 30 sexiest pictures and videos…

Chelsea Chamberlain fact file and interview

Name: Chelsea Chamberlain
Location: London
Bra size: 28E
Social media accounts: Twitter | Instagram | Official website

Hi Chelsea! Congratulations on winning the third week of #ManOnTwitties! How does it feel?
Absolutely brilliant! I was so happy to be included in the first couple of weeks but to win it overall is amazing. I guess you could say it’s third time lucky!

Tell us your story before your #ManOnTwitties victory. How did you first get into modelling?
Well, ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be a model and a dancer. I was determined to do it and to now be a professional model is a dream come true. I started out on my own a couple of years ago, but I’ve now been with GIRL Management for around seven months and I love it. I’m extremely grateful to have Lana Parker looking after me on my team.

Great to hear you’re living the dream, Chelsea! You’ve been doing down a storm on our pages – what’s it like having such fervent fans?
It’s brilliant, I’m really thankful to the fans and love engaging with them. I’ve got big visions for 2020 to make more content and hopefully grow my fanbase, so I really hope we are able to get back to shooting ASAP!

You recently launched your official website. Why should people sign up to it?
To see all my exclusive professional content! We put a lot of thought and effort into the website’s content and I absolutely love seeing the results of the hard work we put into it and what we created. Hopefully everyone else agrees.

We certainly do, Chelsea! So, do you have any other jobs outside of modelling?
The only other job I have currently is dancing/performing.

Lovely stuff! What do you love doing in your spare time?
Chilling out… I love to cook, often whilst I’m singing and dancing along to music in the kitchen. I’m living proof that women are better multitaskers! Haha!

What are you watching on Netflix at the moment?
Any film that crops up in my recommendations! To be honest I try to avoid boxsets, as I get too easily addicted to never-ending series. Before I know it I’ve stayed up for 30 hours straight going square-eyed in front of the TV!

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! So, what are you doing to keep yourself busy in lockdown?
I’m trying to act as if it’s a holiday – singing, dancing, cooking and catching the sun. But I’ve also been very busy taking lots of self-shot content for my website – and #ManOnTwitties, of course! Ha!

Lastly, what’s the first thing you’ll do once lockdown is over?
Party! Isn’t that the same as everyone else?! And a proper photoshoot! I cannot wait!

Chelsea Chamberlain’s quickfire Q&A

Favourite drink: Sex On The Beach
Favourite food: Caribbean
Favourite film: Grease
Favourite holiday destination: Costa Rica
Biggest celebrity crush: I’m going to have to split this between guys (Nelly and Channing Tatum) and girls (Jessica Alba, Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox). I have a lot of crushes apparently! Haha!

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