Danielley Ayala: Exclusive interview with the queen of Instagram and see her 50 hottest posts

danielley ayala

Whether you’re familiar with the name of Danielley Ayala or not, you are in for an extraordinary treat.

You see, Danielley’s Instagram account is so eye-rubbingly hot, that when we first came across her profile a message warning us our phone had overheated popped up and the device promptly shut down. True story. Admittedly we had been sitting out in the sun for hours by this point, but make no mistake, we know what really caused it to happen.

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Alexa, play “my humps” by the black eyed peas

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In the past 18 months, Danielley has become a major influencer on Instagram and now boasts a whopping 3.6 million followers.

We wanted to find out a little bit more about her journey, so we dropped her a line. And being the delightfully pleasant individual that she is, Danielley agreed to sit down for a chat with us.

Scroll down to see Danielley discuss the pros and cons of fame, the benefits of tanning in Miami, her ever-expanding bikini wardrobe and hatred of condiments, alongside her 50 hottest posts…

Danielley Ayala’s fact file and interview

Name: Danielley Ayala
Age: 26
Location: Miami
Social media links: Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | OnlyFans

Hello Danielley, and a very warm welcome to Man On! You have an incredible following on Instagram – how did you first get into it?
Thanks for having me! Well originally I was (and still am!) a make-up artist, but unfortunately I noticed a pattern with trying to get work. So I decided to grow my account and take it a little more seriously in order to get my name out there, so I can do the work I’m passionate about.

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Watchuuu trying to eat ?

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These are my pajamas????‍♂️

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In 2020 I want friendships as strong as this top ????

A post shared by Danielley Ayala (@danielleyayalaa) on

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On my way ????

A post shared by Danielley Ayala (@danielleyayalaa) on

So how long have you been an influencer for?
I started my Instagram account two years ago, but it didn’t really start growing until the very end of 2018. And now here we are!

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Fun night last night ????????

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Tell me a secret ????

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I thought my personality really shined in this photo

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You now have some 3.6 million followers, which is a crazy number! What’s it like having such a fanbase?
It comes with pros and cons. You meet a lot of people and some are extremely kind and genuine human beings. Unfortunately, however, you do meet those who use you or who are just mean for no reason other than the fact that they can be.

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Name one thing that makes you happy ????

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A post shared by Danielley Ayala (@danielleyayalaa) on

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I’m in New York right now, wbu?

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I suck @ captions but whose paying attention anyways

A post shared by Danielley Ayala (@danielleyayalaa) on

You also have a hugely popular OnlyFans account. Why should people sign up to it?
Because it’s awesome, duh! Haha! I put a lot of work into it – I make sure everything is tastefully done, I post up to five times per day, and I interact with everyone who signs up from the second I wake up to the second I go to bed. I have fun with it.

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What’s the last text you sent? ????

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I don’t wanna get up ????

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Seeing Joker tonight, what are you guys up too?

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Whole lotta gravity holding this shirt up ????

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(3.3????) The subtle art of not giving a fck ????????

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We bet your fans do too! So, who is your best friend in the modelling world?
That would have to be my friend Nata Gata, hands down. I have her to thank for a lot of the reasons why I grew so quickly. She’s a genuinely good person which is so hard to find in people these days.

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Call of booty, whose your gamer buddy ? @nataagataa

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In the past I’ve had people I considered to be my friends fuck me over by selling photos of me without my permission for money, and those circumstances made me appreciate the close friends I have. Honestly, Nat’s awesome! Everyone should follow her – her OnlyFans is hot AF too! Plus she’s a Twitch streamer and actually plays video games well. She’s the best!

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Tell me something I don’t know ????‍♂️

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No makeup>makeup ????????

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Last day in Miami, what should I do?

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We’ll tap that follow button the second this interview finishes! You’re currently living in Miami – tell us what the best thing about living in that part of the world is?
The weather! If you like to tan and lay out by the beach, then Miami is for you.

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If you had three wishes what would they be? ✨

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What’s on you’re mind right now ☺️????

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Headed to Miami tonight ????????

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Say hi to Sonics little brother ????????

A post shared by Danielley Ayala (@danielleyayalaa) on

Duly noted! So, how do you unwind when you get some time to yourself?
Usually in my spare time I hang out with my two dogs. I love them – fortunately for me they love the beach too! Haha!

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Tag your best friend, this ones mine ????

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Drop some good book recommendations ????

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Thank god for floatation devices because I can’t swim

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My butt may not be big but it’s still nice

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What’s the first thing you’ll do once lockdown is over?
I can’t lie: I’m going to go out to the beach and get straight in the water! Haha!

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The thumbnails funny but the videos better ????????

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Weekend plans ?

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A post shared by Danielley Ayala (@danielleyayalaa) on

Lastly, we’ve got to ask one thing. Your Instagram is full of pictures of you in swimwear, but how many bikinis do you reckon you actually own?
Ah, let me think. I would say on average I own… a shit tonne of swimsuits! Haha! I’ve never counted, but I buy a lot every single week. I should probably stop!

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My swimsuit straps are made out of kryptonite ????

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Danielley Ayala’s quickfire Q&A

Favourite drink: Shirley Temple or tequila
Favourite food: I plead the fifth! I can’t choose… I’ll eat anything, but condiments are disgusting!
Favourite film: The Dark Knight
Favourite TV show: Entourage at the moment, but it can vary!
Favourite holiday destination: I haven’t travelled much in all honesty – I’m terrified of long plane journeys. But I would love to go to Australia or Hawaii when I get over this fear.
Bath or shower: Baths!

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U up?

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Cheers (3.1????)

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Hey all you cool cats and kittens ???? (3.5)

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