Go inside Daisy Watts’ bedroom in her very rude topless video

daisy watts bedroom video

Quite what goes on behind the closed doors of girls’ bedrooms has always been a bit of a mystery to the common man.

But thanks to the bona fide glamour legend that is Daisy Watts, we now have a much clearer idea – and it involves plenty of stripping off!

We’re delighted to say you can now enjoy the full topless video of one of Daisy’s greatest-ever shoots over on Man On VIP.

As a little teaser for what you can expect to see, take a look at the sexy preview video:

How to see Daisy’s topless videos

Want to see more? Well, you’re only human!

daisy watts bedroom teaser

Simply head over to Man On VIP and sign up (it takes just a few seconds), then tap the big bottom menu button and unlock our premium subscription. There you’ll see not one, but two topless Daisy videos.

It costs the same as a pint of lager per month and grants access to more than 200 pictures and videos starring the likes of Kym Graham, Jess Davies, Jodie Gasson and Sam Bowden, and Geena Mullins, as well as all our plentiful upcoming shoots and content.

It also directly supports the site as we #KeepGlamourAlive, allowing us to shoot even more of your favourite girls and expand our news coverage!

daisy watts bedroom teaser

Tap to sign up to Man On VIP

Thanks all for your support. We’ve lots more to come, so make sure you stay tuned!

We’re on a mission to #KeepGlamourAlive! You can help us on our journey – and enjoy exclusive new content from your favourite models – by signing up to Man On VIP! There are two ways you can get involved…

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