Jodie Gasson and Sam Bowden hit the beach: full topless shoot and videos

jodie gasson sam bowden

Cast your minds back to 2011, when the world was a much simpler place.

There were approximately 42 fewer iPhone models you had to choose from when upgrading; you were actually allowed to go and watch live sport; and the coronavirus merely sounded like a comedy nickname for a bad hangover after drinking Mexican beer.

It also happened to be the year that two lads’ mag legends – the ridiculously delightful Jodie Gasson and 2010 Student Glamour Awards winner Sam Bowden – headed to Mallorca for a legendary beach shoot.

jodie gasson sam bowden

Their very booby trip first featured in ZOO but now, for the first time ever, we’re releasing their entire summer shoots in full, complete with topless video. They can be accessed right now on our premium Man On VIP subscription. And you can watch the teaser video for free once you sign up to the free content feed too!

What is Man On VIP Premium?

For the price of a pint per month ($6.99 / £5), your premium subscription helps us grow and grants access to regular exclusive new shoots, red-hot videos and unforgettable throwback content you won’t see anywhere else – all whilst supporting us as we aim to #KeepGlamourAlive. You can find out more about the plans for our VIP platform and how we will invest your subscription into producing original content right here.

jodie gasson sam bowden

Once you’re signed up, you can also access topless shoots with Kym Graham, Frankie Lain, Geena Mullins, Nicole Snow and Daisy Watts.

Thank you enormously in advance for signing up. Enjoy the shoots and stay tuned: there is lots, lots more to come…

jodie gasson sam bowden

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