Rhiannon Sarah slips into a very sexy turquoise bikini

rhiannon sarah bikini

Back in May when we featured Rhiannon Sarah as one of our Girls Next Door, we described her as “the London lovely you’re going to want to see a lot more of.”

Not to appear annoyingly smug about it or anything, but we have since been proved correct – as evidenced by how mad everyone with a pulse goes for her when we post about her on our Twitter and Instagram.

And we’ve got some great news for Rhiannon fans everywhere: she will soon be appearing in a brand new shoot over on Man On VIP. So if you haven’t already, get yourself signed up and ready for that absolute delight.

In the meantime, there’s no stopping Rhiannon as she continues to make a name for herself as one of glamour’s undisputed rising stars.

She took to her Instagram recently to showcase this sexy turquoise two-piece to her 14,000 followers:

rhiannon sarah bikini

rhiannon sarah bikini

“How beautiful is this bikini from The Delarose Sisters?” she captioned the post.

Our answer to that question? Very – but not as beautiful as the lady in it!

If you aren’t already, make sure you’re following Rhiannon on Instagram and Only Fans – and stay tuned to Man On VIP for a lot more of the 22-year-old beauty!

We’re on a mission to #KeepGlamourAlive! You can help us on our journey – and enjoy exclusive new content from your favourite models – by signing up to Man On VIP! There are two ways you can get involved…

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